Thursday, 23 February 2012

Gardening In My Pyjamas

Standing in the kitchen in my pyjamas. Early morning cup of tea in hand. The garden looks so peaceful and beautiful. I'll have a gentle stroll for a perfect start to my day. I might as well check for slugs, pull the occasional weed, deadhead the roses. How long have I been out here? OMG its nearly lunch time! Does this sound familiar? Join the Pyjama Gardener Club. I thought I was alone until I found a U.K. blog actually called "The Pyjama Gardener"
Then two bloggers in Australia admitted to the same absent mindedness or as I like to say,  selfless attention to horticulture. Are you a Pyjama Gardener? Has anything embarrassing happened to you? Have you had some awkward encounters with the neighbours? Let me know and I will add you to our very own Honour Roll. Happy gardening everyone.


  1. It's good to know I'm not alone in my madness! My day off work usually starts with a lovely cup of tea... I then have a little stroll outside just to look at the garden and before I know it I have fed the chickens, pulled some weeds, tidied the shed and pruned the clematis!
    For me it's a state of mind, as well as a state of undress, but thankfully it's very quiet where I live so I've no embarrassing stories (but my neighbours may have a tale or two!).
    I also like to wander outside and do a bit of gardening at midnight but at least there is an excuse to wear your PJs :-)
    Thank you for mentioning my blog - I hope others will come out of hiding now x

    1. I love my garden at night. I've even thought of sleeping out there. I can't think of anything nicer than being a observer to the secret life of my garden. Yup one more thing for the neighbours to talk about if I haven't skeddadled in before they are up and about.
      Blog world is such a great place for meeting people who really understand our foibles and passions.

  2. Not only do I garden in my pajamas, but I've been known to flash my neighbors by wiping off my sweaty face with my shirt, while still wearing it, or by insisting on wearing super comfy but too big shorts that occasionally show off my asster. It gives them something to talk about. :o) Plus I get to horrify my teenage daughter, which is a bonus.

    1. A kindred spirit, yippee. My pyjamas of choice are hot pink flannel with a design of prancing white reindeer complete with large red noses. Embarrassing my children is part of my job description. Stay in touch Casa Mariposa.

  3. I used to get up and go to the garden first thing, and get distracted by a weed, which I'd pluck, and then another and another, all while in my pajamas and before breakfast. This stopped on the morning I lifted my baby from the crib, went out, started plucking weeds, decided I needed a certain impliment from the garden centre, drove off, in my get up and the baby in her last night's diaper, to get there and see someone I knew, and suddenly be concious of our appearance. Now the rule is that I can't touch a plant till I'm dressed!

    1. Too funny Mary! You are obviously a fully paid up member of the Pyjama Club.
      A friend once dashed into her child's school, long overcoat hiding her pyjamas, not realizing she still had on her over size fluffy pink slippers.
