Friday, 9 March 2012

What Matters Most

Everything in the universe wears out. Pollinators instigate the renewal process so life can move forward. If this video doesn't make you realize how precious they are, then nothing will. Take 8 minutes and absorb the beauty.


  1. Wonderful!! I love the image of the hummer spinning around to catch an insect. My entire garden is geared towards pollinators and birds. Do you grow fennel? It attracts tons of beneficial insects. Plus, it's pretty. :o) The video link you sent me didn't work. :(

  2. Thanks for the heads up, I'll make sure I check links from now on. The nice thing about starting a new garden is the research and planning. Thanks for directing me toward fennel. I'll add it to the list.

  3. Hi Susan - what an amazing video! I saw the first butterflies of 2012 today in my garden... the bees have been around for a while (but that's because most have furry coats on!).
    Th humming birds are so beautiful and the bats simply amazing! All these creatures appeared so joyful so thank you for sharing... I can't wait to put more plants in the Nectar Bar now!

  4. Awesome video. I've never seen a bat's tongue before! So true on how important the pollinators are. This inspired me to check my mason bee "houses" the other day. : )

  5. Mason bees are on my "to do" list for my new garden.
