Sunday 19 January 2014

See How It Does

Dorothy's comment on my last post got me to thinking about road blocks on the path of doing good. Are they are sign to let you know you are headed in the wrong direction or sent to test one's resolve?

I started planning my new blog about goodwill over a year ago. I developed a "go big or go home" attitude. Wanting my own website, as opposed to blogger or wordpress, I looked around for a designer. After talking  to a couple of people I picked someone for the work.

Big mistake. I trusted this guy to deliver on what he promised and it didn't happen. I was out a thousand dollars with nothing to show for it other than a lesson learned. To add to the bad karma, when I finally brought an end to our arrangement he got very ugly and sent several angry and defamatory emails.  If I had the money I would have taken him to court for fraud. No money, however, and more important to me, no desire to continue living on the fringes of his dark and fragile ego.

A costly lesson about delusions of grandeur. A stern reminder to reflect on my true nature before embarking on a course of action.

Now and then I'll put a plant into the ground on the "see how it does" plan. I'm willing to bend with the natural ebb and flow of our world. I'm familiar with the rhythms, comfortable with the outcomes. So this will be the way of the new blog. It will thrive, or despite my best efforts, it will not.

native columbine is on my see how it does plan for 2014


  1. Sometimes stepping back to 'see how things go' is a very wiser thing to do. Good luck!

    1. I'm learning. I need to do it in other areas of my life too.

  2. How frustrating! It's very easy to buy a domain name through blogger. It's $10 a year. What goes around, comes around. That guy will get his karmic payback, even if you're not there to see it. Don't give up!

  3. I reckon we all know that bad things happen to good people. Would that it weren't so! I think that in the end, it's how we respond to these, our attitude. I always chalk them up to learning experiences and I hope that I grow as a person.

    With respect to Casa Mariposa, do not buy a domain name through blogger!!!!!! I did that and lived to regret it. big time. But you're actually talking about web design, aren't you? Most hosting companies have lovely ready made templates. Or learn to make your own! I can recommend for that. :)

    1. Thanks Leigh. I agree it is the way we choose to respond that is important. Maybe one day I will build my own.

  4. I am sorry you had to experience this! You keep up the hard work and efforts! We all run into poop heads like have to keep on trucking because you have good to share!!!

    1. Yup, he is a real PH! I just feel sorry for Mrs PH as she seems very nice.

  5. I am so sorry to learn that someone has taken advantage of you, both financially and emotionally. I am sure that with your determination you will achieve what you want to do in the end.

    1. Thanks for the positive words, Rosemary. I'm making some new beds at the front of the house. Digging is wonderful therapy.

  6. We had a similar incident here a few years back. Very frustrating. We, like you, chose not to drag out the situation, and just moved on. Love the columbines. Planted 2 last year.

    1. Whatever happens I can always cheer myself up in the garden.

  7. Like you, I want to trust everybody to do the right thing. Unfortunately, there are those who disappoint and are not who they claim to be. I still expect people to be good, but keep a skeptical eye out for the scam.

    1. It always saddens me when I run across people who for one reason or another seem to have lost the light.

  8. Ho heartbreaking to invest so much and get so little! I studied a little web design, just enough to know it isn't dead easy, but there are some colleges that offer web design. Perhaps you can play around more with Blogger or Wordpress? There are many ways to customize your blog (on Blogger I have used many of the custom options found on the Design page (choose Customize and then Advanced). Whatever you decide to do I hope that it works out for you. Your concept of spreading goodwill is wonderful.

    1. Thanks Jennifer. The truth is I tried to run before I could walk. I will be taking my own advice about small steps.

  9. Sorry to hear about your negative experiences.
    I have the same 'see how it does' approach to new plants and am often heard to mutter 'you have 2 chances' when I plant something grown as a cutting or from seed. I wait for the plant to tell me, then move it if is looking sad !

    1. Good plan. I'm a bit of a plant mover myself, it drives my husband crazy.

  10. Sorry to hear this. I bought my domain name and used a Wordpress theme free...easy to do and I own the domain and no designer needed. Just a thought. Your dream is just reshifting and it will come...

    1. On reflection the Wordpress route is the way I should have gone. I own the domain name so some time in the future I'll move forward. Reshifting is a good word.

  11. I hope everything works out for you Susan. It is so sad how someone can take advantage of another person. I can always give you the name of my designer.

  12. How unfortunate. I think "See how it goes" is a wise course - better than rushing in headlong and then being burned.

    1. I wasn't all that confident re the technical side so it was easy to scam me. Older and wiser now.
