Sunday, 11 September 2016

End of Summer

The light is softer, the nights cooler and what will be, will be.

Brussels sprouts-there are tiny sprouts on the stalks, will they grow in to something edible?

Beets are a reasonable size-there is another bed which might catch up. The trellis is from the peas, I left them drying and to provide shade during the very hot weather.

A bit chaotic but there are Fall crop carrots, cabbage, leeks, red cabbage and turnips in these beds.

The beans are still producing well.

There might be enough parsnips for Christmas dinner.

Buds on the roses promise one last flourish


  1. You still have so many things growing--how nice!
    I'm curious about the Brussels Sprouts as well. It's my first time trying them. Exciting!!
    And aren't those bean blossoms a bright spot in the garden!
    Happy Fall!!

    1. I expected them to be taller by now. I wonder if it is because of the slight decrease in light due to having them covered with remay against the dreaded cabbage white.

  2. Susan, what type of beans did you plant? Those red flowers are beautiful! I think your garden almost looks TOO good to be the end of summer.

    1. These are the old workhorse Scarlet Runner and they have never let me down. I have another bowl to go in the freezer today.

  3. Susan, This is my second year trying brussel sprouts, and no sprouts, just little buds. I read in one of my garden books to cut the center growing stem off approx. two to three weeks before the first frost to encourage sprouts. I decided to try that earlier than recommended (I also live in upstate NY) and now I have lots of new plants growing from each spot that should be a sprout. Oh well, there is always next summer. Good luck, and if you try snipping the center, please let us know your results. Linda

    1. Hi Linda, Thanks for the tip. Once the little bumps look like sprouts I will give it a try. I have four plants so I'll do a controlled experiment. Everything works well on the printed page doesn't it LOL.

  4. I tried Kentucky Wonder beans instead of Scarlet Runners this year. I was always leaving the beans on too long and the Scarlet Runners got too big too fast. I'm happy with the change and I just picked my last ones. I am trying Brussel Sprouts for the first time this year in my floating garden. I found the seedlings at Quality Foods and they have all done well, but they aren't as big as yours yet. Thinking of coming the the Garden Club this month. I so enjoyed the garden tour this summer. Hope I can be in town that day. - Margy

    1. The beans were a bit overwhelming I have to admit. I hope to see you at GC.
