Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Roses, Noses And Paper Bags.

Monday was my first day back from vacation. My nose was peeling, my feet were sore, there was a mountain of laundry. For Harry Potter fans, it appears the busybody Hermione persuaded the house elves to go on strike. The mess I happily left behind was waiting for me when I returned.

This beautiful rose is called "Gentle Hermione"! The creepy hand belongs to my husband, acting as photographer's assistant. Taken at Huntington Library Botanical Gardens.
Fatigue and post holiday let down had me imagining the house rearing up and smothering me.

That was yesterday. Today I was up with the lark, connected with friends, vanquished the laundry pile, ran errands, family from England arrive on Friday.

We had a great time


  1. Haha, I can relate. My house elves also did zero while we were gone. Glad you had a nice time!

  2. Breathe WOman! Breathe!...Now panic!!!!!

  3. I hope you have a wonderful time with your company. I always clean after company leaves instead of before! ;) That Gentle Hermione is amazing! Oh, my - now I have another rose to add to my list!

  4. Have you been to the Huntington Gardens? They have a "to die for" rose arbour. I'm looking forward to my company, one of my favourite cousins. We last saw each other six years ago, and then briefly, so we have a lot of catching up to do.
