Thursday, 13 September 2012

Planes, Ambulances And Composting Toilets

Last Sunday we headed to the airport to begin another house hunting trip. Perhaps I should have clued in to trouble ahead when Dr. Bob inadvertently used the ladies washroom. In his defence, since we were last at the airport there have been renovations to the washrooms, which the airport authority has pretty much decided not to point out to the travelling public.

We get on to the plane. Halfway through the flight Dr. Bob faints- keels over and practically falls into the aisle. We had the "Is there a doctor on board" announcement. Before you say, physcian heal thyself, Dr Bob is an astronomer. Fortunately the flight attendant had just quit her job as an emergency room nurse and she was terrific. A dentist also offered his input and was very kind and supportive. They had medics waiting on the tarmac who then carted us off to the hospital.

I really wish I could have enjoyed this part more as the medics were from the military base and all rather manly in their uniforms while also sensitive and kind. What more could a girl want?

Instead of looking at houses in Campbell River, as planned, we spent the rest of the day at the hospital in Comox. We managed to get back on schedule in the evening and caught the ferry to Powell River, our main search area for this trip. The next day I left the sick one in bed at the B&B and saw 20+ houses wiith the realtor. The sick one was exhausted from resting all day and fainted again. Off to another hospital. They figured out he had a wicked viral infection and gave what treatment they could but really there is nothing you can do but wait it out.

After three days at the B&B we relocated to a lovely cabin on the waterfront. I was by this time a frazzled mess but managing to hold it together until the owners introduced me to the composting toilet. Now I've always liked the idea of  a composting toilet but coming face to face with the beast itself was the final straw. I felt a bit of a lip wobble coming on. The beast and I have yet to come to terms. It doesn't help that I need a two step stool to get up on the thing. It seems like hours before the previous deposit disappears. I've hardly gone near the thing today as I knew I was going to have to make a larger deposit than last night. Consequently the urge has passed and I'm envisioning returning home with an abdomen full of something close to concrete.

My heartfelt thanks to the Westjet crew and ground staff in Comox and Marie at Ocean Point B&B in Powell River. Here is a picture of the lovely cabin we are now residing in, I'm sure after a few days here I'll be up for anything. Even the toilet, which is not at all bad, just a victim of poor timing.

                                                 Stillwater Beach Cottage


  1. Dear Susan,
    What a terrible experience for both of you. I hope that Dr. Bob is feeling better now. You have a beautiful place to recuperate.
    As for the composting toilet I met one on a motorway in Country Victoria. Very modern and arty to look at. "Oooh a composting toilet!" I thought. " How sleek and cutting edge!"
    But it was the smell and the noise...
    I don't think that I myself will be getting one.

    1. As the days pass I'm adjusting to my new friend. After all this is a cabin and I could be using a pit toilet in the woods.

  2. Hi susan, I'm so sorry dr bob was so unwell, very bad timing, but thank goodness he is better now. Your composting experience brought back many toilet memories ... mostly funny in hindsight (pun intended). cheers, catmint

  3. Geez, poor Dr. Bob! Hope he's doing better. Checked out the link - what a beautiful beach cottage! Enjoy the rest of your stay, and best of luck finding a house. The area around there looks amazing!

    1. I am a water baby so I think it was inevitable we ended up on the coast. New Mexico was also on our list as it is wonderful for astronomy.

  4. Oh my gosh, what a trip. I hope the Dr feels better soon and you find the perfect house.

    I'm sure there is merit in having a composting toilet but I don't know if I'm ready to go that far to save the earth.

    Thank you for your thoughtful comments on my blog. I really like what you said about needing to understand. It makes a huge difference doesn't it? I also really like your phrase because it is not an attack, but a way of keeping your boundaries. Good stuff. Thank you!

    1. Yes, I think I will stick with my low flow toilet for the time being. The sick one has spent the last two days reclining under a large green umbrella at the waters' edge. He is getting better but is still very weak. Whatever this thing was it was it certainly did a number on him.

  5. Yikes, what a trip. I hope you both find a fabulous spot to settle down in soon, healthy and happy. My former in-laws had a composting toilet at their cottage, and I'd say it took a great deal more than a few hours for stuff to disappear. More like weeks. Theirs had to be stirred with a crank, down below the throne. How charming.

    1. Lovely to hear from you Mary. The owner comes and cleans out a tray at the bottom every three days-more embarrassment! He is a charming New Zealander and is incredibly cheerful about it. Probably a small price to pay to keep renters happy. And we are, this is a fabulous place and I highly recommend it for some R and R.

  6. I hope your husband feels better soon but your comments about the toilet had me laughing. I'm pretty organic but love a flush toilet! Have you narrowed down your house search to a few contenders?

    1. We have found a place that made us swoon, although in Dr Bob's case it could have been his raging fever. I'll post on it soon.
      As for the toilet I must put a lot of my dismay down to my fragile emotional state. In my childhood all we had was an outhouse, I guess my later years in civilization have made me soft.

  7. Hello Susan:
    We have found your delightful, and somewhat eclectic, blog through the comment which you left on Kirk Dale. And although we no longer have a garden we trust that this does not in any way disqualify us from following you!!

    We are so sorry to learn of the drama which overtook you and Dr. Bob on the recent flight and do trust that he has now made a full recovery. It must have been very worrying for you, and to be left with some twenty or so properties to view on your own must have been some undertaking.

    We shall much look forward to reading future instalments of all that you are doing!

  8. I am delighted you are enjoying my blog. This planet of ours is my garden so pretty much anything happening on it may enter my blog. For me, the rewards of blogging are the interesting people I meet. Welcome, indeed.

  9. Hello Susan [again]:
    Just a very brief postscript to thank you for the comment left on our most recent post and for becoming a Follower. To see your original comment, and to read our reply, it is necessary to click on 'Load More' which appears by the comment box. This will then bring up all the latest comments.

    And we shall certainly look forward to 'pretty much anything'!
